The Little Star Who Lost Her Glow

The Little Star Who Lost Her Glow

Once upon a time, in a sky full of twinkling stars, there was a little star named Stella. Stella had the brightest glow, and she loved to shine for everyone who looked up at the night. But one evening, Stella couldn’t find her glow. She searched and searched, but it was gone!

“Oh no! What will I do without my glow?” Stella cried.

Her friend Luna the Moon floated closer. “Don’t worry, Stella. We’ll help you find it,” said Luna in her soft, soothing voice.

“I’ll help too!” said Zippy, a speedy comet who zoomed by. “Let’s look everywhere!”

First, they looked behind the fluffy clouds. “Whoosh!” Zippy zoomed through them. “Is your glow here?” he asked.

“No,” said Stella with a sigh.

Next, they checked the rainbow arches. “Swoosh!” Luna floated beneath them. “Is your glow here?” she asked.

“No,” said Stella, her light flickering dimly.

Finally, they went to the Wise Owl, who lived in a tree near the horizon. “Hoo hoo,” said the owl. “Stella, your glow comes from sharing your light with others. Maybe you’ve forgotten to share.”

Stella thought about it. “You’re right! I’ve been so busy looking for my glow that I stopped shining for others.”

So, Stella smiled and began to shine her brightest light. She lit up the night sky with her glow. “Twinkle, twinkle!”

“There it is!” cheered Luna and Zippy.

The Wise Owl nodded. “When you share your light, it comes back brighter than ever.”

From that day on, Stella never forgot to share her glow. And the night sparkled brighter than ever before.

The end.