One sunny morning, Benny the Bunny hopped through the forest. The leaves rustled, “swish, swish,” and the birds chirped, “tweet, tweet.” Benny’s fluffy ears twitched as he sniffed the fresh air full of flowers. “What a perfect day!” he thought.
Suddenly, Benny heard a loud “BOOM!” He peeked behind a bush and saw Ellie the Elephant stomping her feet. “Oh no, my balloon flew away!” Ellie cried, tears rolling down her cheeks.
Benny hopped closer. “Don’t worry, Ellie! I’ll help you find it,” he said bravely.
Next, Benny met Sammy the Squirrel. “Sammy, have you seen Ellie’s balloon?” Benny asked. “Nope, but I’ll help you look!” Sammy chattered, scurrying up a tree.
The three friends searched high and low. They checked the tall grasses, the big oak tree, and even the bubbling brook. “Splash, splash!” went the water as they looked.
Finally, Benny spotted the balloon stuck in a bush. “I see it!” he exclaimed. But the bush was prickly, and Ellie and Sammy were too big to reach it. Benny took a deep breath. “I can do it,” he said. Carefully, he hopped into the bush and grabbed the balloon with his soft paws.
“Hooray!” cheered Ellie, her trunk trumpeting happily. “You’re the bravest bunny!” Sammy added, clapping his tiny paws.
Benny smiled. “Even small friends can do big things if they try,” he said.
The three friends played together all afternoon, their laughter echoing through the forest. “Swish, swish, tweet, tweet, BOOM!” the forest sang with joy.